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Travel Itinerary App for Amateur Pilots Specifications: Accessibility plan for mobile app , printed directions and maps. Accessibility issues to address: Visual impairment, screen reader, memory difficulties Recommendations for mobile…
1.Team communication: Slack Slack is a messaging app for teams and workplaces that can be used on multiple devices and platforms and allows you to chat one on…
Problem 4: Solution in English: If Landing in Courtenay, Input Land time as variable landTime Calculate landTime plus 20 minutes, store as variable dinTime Input available reservation times,…
Problem 3: Solution in English: Find out travel time. Store as tripLength. Find out leave time. Store as leaveTime. Calculate travel time plus trip length. Store as variable…
Problem 2: Solution in English: Find out wind speed in Courtenay. Store in variable called windSpeed If wind speed is greater than 12 knots land in Smit’s Field…